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UK brick makers were unable to satisfy domestic demand last year, often leaving house-builders to re

Home Extension Team


The Brick Development Association says that UK brick production figures have risen sharply in recent years as manufacturers have re-opened mothballed plants, increased the output from existing plants and opened new facilities. However, it is still not quite yet enough, it seems.

The UK market consumed 2.4 billion bricks in 2017, but UK brick producers manufactured fewer than 1.9 billion, leaving a deficit of approximately 500 million bricks that had to be filled through manufacturer destocking and imports. As a result, imports rose to more than 300 million bricks in 2017, according to data from Ibstock.

Ibstock Brick, the UK’s leading manufacturer by volume of clay bricks, is among those stepping up domestic production in a drive to meet demand.

With 19 manufacturing plants and 23 quarries, Ibstock Brick has the largest brick production capacity in the UK. It is currently commissioning a new soft mud brick manufacturing plant in Leicestershire that has been designed to add approximately 100 million bricks (13%) to its annual brick production capacity. The new factory started making bricks in December 2017 and the first bricks from the plant will be sold to customers during early 2018. It is expected to be fully commissioned towards the end of 2018 and operate at full production in 2019.

Using The Home Extension Team to design and specify your extension means materials are identified before work starts on site. This allows the contractor to identify and order any materials that might be in short supply to minimise potential delays to your project. So even if you're not thinking about starting your home improvements for a while, it helps to plan in advance, so why not contact us today, to get the ball rolling?

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